Daily Bulletin
Kimberly High School Bulletin for Thursday, February 13, 2025
Lunch Menu Today's Lunch - Egg Roll, Noodles/Rice, Steamed Broccoli. Bulldog Express - Pizza Box.
Incentive lunch Students: There are 2 ways to earn incentive lunch this week. If you attended wrestling last Thursday, you automatically earn the extra time. The other is by grades and attendance. No D's and F's, no unexcused absences and tardies. The list will be emailed out by Mr. Gonzales after school on Wednesday. Thank you
Survey Students, if you plan to take Fitness next year, please go to your Outlook email to take a 1-minute survey from Mr. Gonzales. Thank you
Donation Box There is a donation box for the Valley House taking cleaning supplies, socks, and canned goods. Please help donate if you can.
Speech & Debate Good luck Speech & Debate competing at the national qualifier tournament in Blackfoot & ID Falls today. Let's go Bulldogs!
Golf There will be a golf meeting on Wednesday, February 19 during lunch in room 113.
Girls Wrestling Girls District Wrestling will be held this Saturday in Buhl. Weigh-ins start at 8:00AM & Wrestling begins at 10:00AM. Good luck to our ladies who are competing! Go Dawgs!
Senior Night It's time to recognize some great seniors!! Boys Basketball and Cheer seniors will be recognized today at the home game vs. Gooding. C-Team plays at 4:30, followed by JV at 6:00PM and Varsity at 7:30PM. Our seniors will be recognized after the JV game around 7:15PM. Come support our Bulldogs!
JV Boys Basketball JV Boys Basketball competes in their district tournament this Saturday starting at 9:00AM. Standings will be determined after conference play is over. Let's go Bulldogs!
Wrestling Boys & Girls Wrestling competes today at Buhl High School against Buhl & Declo. Wrestling begins at 5:00PM. Go Dawgs! Teacher please release Wrestlers competing at 2:45PM.
Varsity Boys Basketball Varsity Boys Basketball will start District play on Monday, February 17th. Location is still TBD based on conference play this week. Games will be at 7:00PM. Good luck Bulldogs!
Students Have a great day, be responsible, be respectful, and be your best. Go Bulldogs.
Be Your Best Students: Please refrain sending mean or unkind messages. Remember that social media was not invented so people could hurt each other. Be respectful to everyone at KHS. Thank you, Mr. Gonzales